Sunday, April 15, 2012

States: Strong-Weak-Failed-Collapsed

What factors cause a state to be considered failed?
          - The term failed state is often used by political commentators and journalists to describe a state perceived as having failed at some of the basic conditions and responsibilities of a sovereign government. In order to make this definition more precise, the following attributes are often used to characterize a failed state:

1) loss of control of its territory, or of the monopoly on the legitimate use of physical                      force therein,
2) erosion of legitimate authority to make collective decisions,
3) not able to provide public services,
4) not able to interact with other states as a full member of the international community.

The failed nation is characterized by social, political, and/or economic failure.

How does a collapsed state look like?
          - Rwanda, as the example of collapsed state, wasn't controlled by the government. The Ghost of Rwanda, the documentary that shows the total collision of the government shows the international community's shameful reaction to the genocide. The film is a complete historical and political issues in Rwanda, but especially the video shows extreme collision of the government. The president of Rwanda cannot control the state, whereas the physical force flourish in the village which led to the genocide. The president lost his legitimacy of controlling the state, so the external force, the United Nations, should've interrupt the case of Rwanda. However, it was even harder for the UN to control the chaos of Rwanda, the complete collapsed state.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

JJ's Awesome Homework

News - North Korean defector stands for South Korean election
Link -   

News Summary - Cho Myung Chul, the defector hopes to become first North Korean in South Korean parliament. He also defects from the North and wants to help the South form a better Pyongyang policy. South Koreans head to the polls on Wednesday for parliamentary elections.
What type of legitimacy does the leadership of this country represent? Explain.
           - North Korea has the legitimacy type of traditional legitimacy. Traditional legitimacy is built by habit and custom over time, stressing history and usually it is highly institutionalized. However, in modern days in North Korea, citizens started distrust the leadership. However, they couldn't show their mind because the citizens are not allowed to say out loud about their opinion towards the leadership.

Is this state considered a strong state or a weak state? Why?
           - Even though North Korea contains a traditional legitimacy and should be highly institutionalized, North Korea is concerned as weak state. This is because state officials themselves, having little faith in their office or responsibilities, use their jobs simply to fill their own pockets through corruption and theft. In turn, economic  development is much lower as a result of this unstable political environment. In general, a weak state is not well institutionalized and lacks authority and legitimacy, which is like the modern days in North Korea.
Is the power in this state centralized or decentralized? Why?
           - North Korea is definitely a highly centralized state and it is because of the previous leaders that were control the country by their own beliefs and ideas, not considering the other branches of the state.

What type of capacity does this state have? Explain your answer.
           - North Korea has high capacity with high autonomy. This is because North Korea is able to fulfill basic tasks, and also the power is highly centralized. 

Friday, October 7, 2011

Stock 3: Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc.

Stock symbol: OREX
Stock name: Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc.
Number of Shares: 50
Market price when I bought: $1.94
Current Market Price: $2.18


Weekly Report, October 14 2011

The price of OREX when I bought was $1.94 and the current price is $2.19. It increased only $0.01 from last week, and totally it increased $0.25, and since I have 50 stocks of OREX, so I would make $12.5 which is not that much. I'll be keep in track on watching the stock until it reaches to $2.50, then i would likely to sell.


November 11 2011

The current price of OREX is $2.05 which is $0.14 decreased from last month. I will keep the price until it rises to $2.50.

Stock 2: Starbucks

Stock symbol: SBUX
Stock name: Starbucks
Number of Shares: 15
Market price when I bought: $38.17
Current price: $38.50
Current News: X

The Stock Starbucks seemed to go down rapidly, but overall this stock is having a roller-coaster up and down graph.


Weekly Report, October 14 2011

The current market price of Starbucks is $41.09, which is $2.92 increased. The income that I'll receive by selling all SBUX stocks will be $43.8. However, since the stock is keep increasing, I will keep monitoring the stock, and when the price reaches to about $45, I would likely to sell.

Current News:


November 11 2011

The current market price of Starbucks in now $43.52 and i decided to sell them. By selling 15 stocks, I will earn $652.8.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Stock 1 : Microsoft

Stock symbol: MSFT
Stock name: Microsoft
Number of Shares: 20
Market price when I bought: $25.45
Current Market price : $26.34

Web Site :
Recent News :

The stock of MICROSOFT is increasing since the company united with Samsung Company in order to create a great domination of markets. The stock might keep going up and until next 2 weeks, it would drop a bit, but will go up again.


Weekly Report, October 14 2011

The current market price of Microsoft is $27.18, and comparing to the price from last week, whcih was $26.34, it increased $0.84. The market price when I bought was $25.45, so as a result, it increased by $1.73. If I sell 20 stocks of MSFT, I will earn $34.6. I will keep watching until it reaches to $35 because they are keeping going to increase.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Karl Marx

Karl Heinrich Marx worked for many different things such as philosophy, journalist, but especially as a revolutionary socialist who developed the socio-political theory of Marxism. Karl Heinrich Marx was born on May 5, 181 in Trier, Germany. Marx studied law in Bonn and Berlin. In 1841, he received a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Jena. In 1843, after working as an editor of a liberal newspaper in Cologne, Marx and his wife moved to Paris, a place full of radical thoughts. He became a revolutionary communist and got a relationship between his collaboratory, Friedrich Engels. Because he was expelled from France, Marx spent two years in Brussels, where his partnership with Engels intensified. They worked and published 'The Communist Manifesto' in 1848 and asserted that all human history had been based on class struggles, but that these would ulitmately disappear with the victory of the proletariat.

In 1849, Marx moved to London, where he spend the rest of his life. For a number of years, his family lived in poverty but the Engels was able to support them to an increasing extent. Gradually, Marx emerged from his political and spiritaul isolation and produced his most important body of Work, 'Das Kapital.'
In his final years, Karl Marx was in creative and physical decline. He spent time at health spas and was deeply distressed by the death of his wife in 1881, and one of his daughters. he died on March 14 1883.
His Idea
Marx's theories about society, economics and politics, known as Marxism, hold that  society progresses through the dialectic of class struggle. He was critical of the current socio-economic form of society, capitalism, which he called the "dictatorship of the bourgeoisie," believing it to be run by the wealthy middle and upper classes purely for their own benefit, and predicted that, like previous socioeconomic systems, it would produce internal tensions which would lead to its self-destruction and he replaced by a new system, Socialism.

Marx's ideas and the ideology of Marxism began to exert a major influence on socialist movements shortly after his death. Revolutionary socialist goverments following Marxist concepts took power in a variety of countries in the 20th century, leading to the formation of those socialist states such as the Soviet Union in 1922 and the People's Republic of China in 1949.